As I was watching my four year old granddaughter the other day take her first solo ride on Romeo it occurred to me how in control she was and how free they both were.  Neither one of them had any worries about what COULD happen – they were in the moment together.

I stood back, watching in wonder and delight as they rode off as if one being – neither one trying to control the other, but going freely forward together.

I’ve thought a lot about the idea of “On the other side of fear is freedom”.  The idea that we can appear to be moving forward – however if we carry brace or resistance (fear), then we are stuck.

How many of us carry those resistances?!  So are we really moving forward freely in our lives.  Brace, fear, resistance to past experiences, trauma, etc cause us to stay stuck and stop us from living the life we are meant to live.  Seeing my granddaughter with Romeo reminded me to live in the moment and ENJOY!

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